Friday, 12 December 2014

We are the 99%? Are we?
(posted originally on Bubblews)

Blowing, Communication, Computer, Connection, Fast

I hear, too many times, people complaining about their lives in strikes and demonstrations, screaming to the top of their lungs: "We are the 99%!". Because the 1% richer own about 35% of the richness. Implying that they have to give it to us, the 99%... Doesn't matter how they got it, we must get what they have because we are the 99% and we are poor?

Are we?

Are you, sitting in your chair, in your home, reading this in your computer with internet connection, poor?

What people don't say, or ignore, or don't want to know is that if you earn more than 10 dollars a day you are in the top 20% of the wealthiest people in the world! if you have 5 dollars a day you are in the top 60%! About half of the world don't have 2,5 dollars a day to live, but you are worried about those 1%.

Shouldn't you be worrying about the 80% above you? shouldn't you be worrying about the 60% above you? and the 50% above you? Why do you want those 1% to give you when, by your own logic, you should be giving to the 80% poorer than you?

Are you really the 99%?! don't you thing claiming that is offensive to the 60 to 80% people poorer than you?

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