(originally posted on Bubblews)
Most developed countries in the world are democracies. Nowadays, I hear many people having the opinion that we don’t have a real democracy because people are not free, because we have too many taxes and government impose us a lot of unfair rules and payments.
In My opinion that is not true. In most developed countries we do have democracies, we do have what we chose and the taxes we pay are the taxes we "asked for".
If we don’t agree we should vote differently (in parties that defend that freedom, less taxes, etc.), and if we think “nothing is different” we shouldn't participate in the political regime (so, if your country forces you to vote, than, maybe you do not live in a democracy, at least that’s my opinion).
Most countries do not force us to vote, so if we don’t agree there are several ways to show. Not to vote, vote blank, make a null vote. We have the means to show and demand the system we want. But most people do want what we have. Most people want “free stuff”, so we have to pay for that "free stuff", so we have a lot of taxes. Most people want social security and welfare for those that don't work (whether it is because they, or because they just don’t want to), so we have to pay a lot of taxes to keep that welfare, and so on.
We have the system most people want, so we can’t complain and say this is not a democracy. It is, for most developed countries. We may complain about our lack of freedom, it's true, we are not free but that’s because we don't want to be.
+Politics +Democracy +Vote +Conservatives +Republicans +Democrats +Socialism + freedom
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