Friday, 12 December 2014

Hey! I took your photo, do you want it?

Have you ever approached someone on the street because you happen to take a nice photo of them and you like to know if they want to keep it?
I love photography. I take lots of photos specially when I'm travelling and, I must admit, I love to take photos of people in their natural expressions, in their special moments.
You see, sometimes people are just walking, are travelling, in family and they are just living that special moment, in a town square they've never seen before, they probably never see again, or are just living their day to day lives, reading a newspaper, playing with their kids, and no one takes pictures of that and even if you did the expressions wouldn't be as natural, the moment wouldn't be as natural...
I take those pictures (the one in this post is one of them) and sometimes I would like just go to the person and say: I took this picture of you, this is my email, if you like just write me and I’ll send it to you. Never had the courage to do it, though...
How would you react if someone did that to you?

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